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If you have always wanted to learn Swedish, you’re nowhere near alone; tens of thousands of people study the language every day around the world. And it’s no wonder! Swedish is a language that captures a rich culture and history. The Swedish language can be found not only in Sweden, but also in pockets all over the world, including in Europe, Canada and the United States.

But you might have a lot of questions aboutwhy you should learn Swedishor what it takes to get started — or why it’s even worthwhile at all. The good news is you can rest assured that learning the Swedish language is an effort worth undertaking. With the right tools and technology to guide you in your journey, you’ll see your efforts pay off in so many ways.

Why Learn Swedish?

Basic Swedish Lesson For Beginners

Ways To Learn Swedish

Learning Swedish With Babbel

Why Learn Swedish?

Learning any new tongue is a challenge that can open up your mind to new perspectives and help you connect with all types of people across boundaries of land and language. When it comes to learning Swedish, these reasons are especially true.

To start, if you know the Swedish language, you open yourself up to aworld of Swedish speakers. There are roughly 9.2 million people who speak Swedish in Sweden as a first language, and many more, too, who speak it as a second or third language, scattered around the globe!

One of the coolest parts about learning Swedish is that it’ll help you understand languages that are closely related to it, like Norwegian and Danish, which also come from the same language family —the North Germanic languages, which are also often called the Scandinavian languages. That means these three languages share a whole lot of similar-sounding vocabulary and grammar patterns that give them a lot of linguistic overlap, since they all derived from the same ancestor. Some language scholars say they can even be considered dialects of the same language!

So if you know Swedish, you technically will have a much easier time talking to and understanding the roughly 20 million people in the world combined who also speak Swedish or who speak Norwegian or Danish.

Native speakers of English will be relieved to learn that because Swedish and English come from closely related branches of the same language family, Swedish is considered one of theeasiest languages for English speakers to learn! The two languages are very similar in their sentence structures and vocabulary; there are a lot of words in Swedish that resemble their English counterparts. (Just take the seasonsvinterandsommar, for example.) That means it can sometimes be quite easy to read a Swedish sentence and get the gist of it in English.

Whether it helps you master other North Germanic languages faster and more easily or it gives you a new understanding of the English you already speak, there’s no doubt that if you learn Swedish, you’ll have a learning advantage right from the start!

Benefits Of Learning Swedish

Picking up a new skill can help you express your creativity, stimulate your mind, and discover new sides of yourself along the way. Learning a new language like Swedish is no exception! Here are just a few of the many ways you can make a positive impact on your life if you learn Swedish.

street scene stockholm
  • Learn Swedish For Travel— When the spirit of adventure strikes, don’t let language barriers hold you back. When you have Swedish in your back pocket, you have a passport to many new corners of the world. Learning Swedish not only means you’ll be able to navigate new cities by reading road signs, menus, and train tickets; it also lets you connect with the new people you meet there. It’s often said that the best way to explore a new place is through the eyes of a local, and learning Swedish lets you branch out of tourist hotspots and into the real world as the native speakers see it. Whether it’s the country’s beautiful national parks or the streets of Stockholm, you’ll be more equipped to venture off the beaten path and explore all the Swedish-speaking world has to offer when you have Swedish in your linguistic repertoire.

  • Live The Swedish Language Abroad— Whether you’re looking to enroll at a foreign university and have a more alternative college experience, find a job at a hostel that lets you hit the tourist hotspots by day and work at night, live with a host family or retire in a place with a slower pace of life, living abroad is hands down the best hands-on approach to getting the most immersive language experience possible. By placing yourself in an environment where you’re obligated to speak Swedish, you’ll fast-track your journey to fluency. Your life can take on new twists and turns when you move to an unfamiliar place, and there’s so much of the Swedish-speaking world to explore. When you learn Swedish, you open up a gateway to a robust, colorful, and novel life adventure!

  • Build Your Business Swedish Skills— Today the world is more connected economically than ever before. The sweeping tides of globalization mean that companies and organizations today are operating across international borders and boundaries. If you’re a professional looking for ways to stay competitive and current in the global market, learning Swedish is a no-brainer for success. The European continent is an emerging market full of opportunity for businesses. Learning the Swedish language is a fantastic way to connect with colleagues in Sweden and other countries, score new clients, build strong relationships with Swedish-speaking partners and investors, and to show off the multicultural, international, and inclusive nature of your brand.

  • Use Language To Train Your Brain— Building any new skill is a surefire way to expand your intellectual horizons. Learning Swedish is an especially sound way to keep your brain flexible and nimble, especially as you grow older. Picking up a new language involves making connections between words and what they represent, taking apart and putting together grammatical structures, spontaneously speaking and thinking on your feet, sticking with a challenge when it’s frustrating and confusing, and a whole lot of active listening. There are few better ways to exercise your mental muscles than by learning Swedish.

  • Immerse Yourself In Swedish Culture, Unfiltered——学习瑞典bett不仅使你er understanding of the language itself but also of the arts and culture of the world that speaks it. To read the literature of decorated Swedish-speaking writers like Stieg Larsson, Selma Lagerlöf and Henning Mankell is to engage with the language in some of its most beautiful and colorful expressions. Through the lens of Swedish you get a more active immersion in more contemporary Swedish-language media like podcasts, radio shows, audiobooks, and TV shows. The stories and recipes of culinary creations likekavringwithgravlax, the dialogue of famous Swedish films, and the lyrics of classic Swedish songs all become accessible to you when you learn the Swedish language. And if you’re from a family with Swedish-speaking elders and ancestors but you don’t know the language yourself, learning Swedish is an excellent way to connect with your heritage.

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Learn Swedish Basics: Swedish Lesson For Beginners

Learning Swedish Pronunciation, The Swedish Alphabet And Swedish Spelling

尽管瑞典使用相同的拉丁字母English does, not all of the letters sound the same as they do in English, and there are three extra vowels that native English speakers likely won’t recognize —åin a word like(“on”),äin a word likeälska(“to love”) andöin a word likeönska(“to wish”). You’ll have to learn these vowel sounds and their unique pronunciations as you learn Swedish!

There are certainly sometricky elements of Swedish pronunciationthat learners must get used to. For example, you must learn how different consonants likeg,kand the clusterskcan become “hard” or “soft” and change their pronunciation depending on what letters follow them. And there are some infamously difficult consonant combinations likesj, which shows up in words likesju(“seven”), sounds like something between an Englishshandhw, can be spelled several different ways and can also be pronounced differently depending on the regional dialect of Swedish. (When it comes to Swedish spelling, be warned thatmany Swedish words also aren’t even spelled the way they’re pronounced.)

Don’t worry if you can’t master the nuances of Swedish pronunciation and spelling right away; it takes time and practice! The best way to remember these rules is just to practice over and over, especially by reading texts out loud or practicing with native speakers. Watching Swedish TV and movies or listening to Swedish-language podcasts, radio and film can certainly help you master Swedish pronunciation and sound like a native Swedish speaker.

Swedish Vocabulary

Learning Swedish vocabulary isn’t as hard as you might think. Though it takes time and practice, you’ll find there are a lot of Swedish words and phrases that are connected with English expressions you already know.

Swedish and the other Scandinavian languages derived from the Old Norse spoken by the Vikings. There are plenty ofwords that made their way into English from Old Norse, so you’ll instantly recognize some Old Norse-derived Swedish vocabulary right off the bat. And you can recognize other words, too, that are similar between English and Swedish because of the fact that the two languages both belong to branches of the Germanic language family. Take, for example, the wordsäpple(“apple”),bäver(“beaver”) andfinger(you can probably guess what that one means). Plus, Swedish borrows a lot of modern loanwords from English, like the verbsatt chatta(“to chat”) andatt klicka(“to click”), so you shouldn’t have much trouble guessing what these words mean.

Of course, learning Swedish vocabulary is a challenge that takes time, patience, and the right tools, even if you already have an advantage from the start.

Basics Of Swedish Grammar

Swedish Verbs

Verbs are key elements of any Swedish sentence. Whenever you want to express that a person or thing does an action or is something else, you need aSwedish verb.

swedish verbs

One of the most difficult elements for English speakers of learning many of the world’s languages is dealing with pesky verb conjugations in languages like Spanish and German. Luckily, in Swedish, verbs aren’t conjugated according to who or what is doing the action, meaning they maintain the same form regardless of the subject. For example, a verb likeatt tala(“to speak”) starts in the infinitive form (before its ending is changed, and often seen with the markeratt, or “to”). In the present tense, with the pronounjag(“I”), it becomesjag talar(“I speak” or “I am speaking”). With the pronounsvi(“we”) orhon(“she”), for example, the verb phrase becomesvi talar(“we speak” or “we are speaking”) andhon talar(“she speaks” or “she is speaking”), with the verb remaining in the same form and only the pronoun changing in the present tense. That makes learning Swedish verbs that much easier!

Swedish verbs are conjugated, however, according to their tense, or when the verb is taking place, like the present or the past, for example. You’ll have to learn separate verb endings and the rules that govern how to use them depending on the type of verb you’re dealing with and its tense. You’d sayjag talar(“I speak” or “I am speaking”) in the present tense, as mentioned in the example above, but in the past tense, it would becomejag talade(“I spoke”).

Of course, there are many irregular Swedish verbs, too, and they don’t always follow the same rules as regular verbs that act in accordance with certain grammar rules and patterns. So be prepared to practice these verbs and learn them separately!

Knowing how to use Swedish verbs is essential to being able to express yourself in Swedish, and you’ll likely spend a large part of your Swedish learning journey focusing on the grammar of Swedish verbs. Once you master them, you’ll be well on your way to speaking Swedish with fluency.

Swedish Nouns

Unlike in English, each Swedish noun has a gender, a concept you might be familiar with if you’ve ever studied a Romance language like French or Spanish or another world language like German. The fact that nouns are assigned a gender doesn’t mean that every person, place, object or idea in these languages has an inherent biological sex; it’s just a system ofgrammatical categorizationthat exists in many world languages that affects how speakers use these languages. The Swedish language has two grammatical genders, or groups of nouns — common and neuter.

Why, for example, isbanan(“banana”) assigned the common gender, whileäpple(“apple”) is considered to be neuter? For the most part, these gender assignments are arbitrary, without rhyme or reason to help guide you as you learn Swedish. Gender in Swedish becomes important when considering which definite article (the equivalent of the English word “the”) or indefinite article (the English “a” or “an”) pairs with each noun. Common nouns take the indefinite articleen, like in the wordsen skola(“a school”). Neuter words take the articleett, like the wordett hus(“a house”).

Whether the article is definite or indefinite affects where the article is placed — as you can see above, the article comes before the noun if it’s indefinite. If the article is definite (“the”), it attaches to the end of the noun itself. So for the common nounbanan(“banana”) from above,en bananis “a banana,” whereasbananenis “the banana.” And for the neuter nounbarn(“child”),ett barnis “a child,” andbarnet是“孩子”。学习瑞典的主要部分nouns involves memorizing and knowing how to use their gender classifications, so it’s important to practice this concept!

Luckily, Swedish, like English, for the most part did away with the pesky case marking system on nouns and their articles that stuck around in other Germanic languages. If you’ve ever learned or tried to learn German, you know that it can be a nightmare to try to figure out when to use the definite articlesder,dieordas—among several others. Like in English, there are only a few remaining vestiges of case marking in Swedish, meaning using definite and indefinite articles (“the” and “a”) is a much simpler process than in many other languages.

There are many other rules regarding how to treat plural nouns, demonstrative adjectives like “this” and “that,” and regular adjectives that describe nouns’ characteristics. And keep in mind that many Swedish nouns, like many Swedish verbs, are irregular, meaning they don’t follow an easily memorized set of rules and will have to be learned on their own.

As you learn Swedish, you’ll get to know the rules governing how Swedish nouns and adjectives behave in certain situations. It might be tricky at first, but it’s all part of the process of learning Swedish grammar!

Basic Swedish Phrases And Swedish Greetings

To speak like a native Swedish speaker, there are certain must-know Swedish phrases and expressions that will help you navigate your way through a conversation.

The best place to start, of course, is with “hello”! There are many commongreetings in Swedishto choose from, the most popular of which is the ever-versatile and almost always appropriateHej!(“Hey!” or “Hello!”) and its many variations likehej hej,hej på dig(“hello to you”) andhej igen(“hello again”), to name a few.Tjena!or the shortened formTja!are also great for relaxed, colloquial greetings between friends.

If you’re meeting someone for the first time, you’ll want to talk about who you are and perhaps where you’re from. To say your name, you can sayJag heter X, or “My name is X.” To find out other people’s names in Swedish, you can askVad heter du?(“What is your name?”). The way to say where you come from in Swedish isJag är från X(“I am from X”), and to ask where someone is from, you can sayVar kommer du ifrån?(“Where are you from?”).

Sayinggoodbye in Swedishsounds a whole lot like saying hello. One of the most common and versatile farewells ishej då, which is justhejwith an extra syllable tacked on. There are also plenty of other great options likeVi ses!(“See you!”) orHej så länge!(“So long!” or “Bye for now!”).

There are many other useful conversational Swedish words, phrases and expressions you’ll get to know as you learn Swedish, fromja(“yes”),nej*(“no”) andTack!(“Thank you!”) toTrevligt att träffas!(“Nice to meet you!”),Var är X?(“Where is X?”) andPratar du engelska?, or “Do you speak English?”, among many others.

When you learn these Swedish phrases and hundreds more like them, including the most popularSwedish colloquial sayings and expressions, you’ll be better able to communicate with native Swedish speakers with ease.

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Ways To Learn Swedish

There is no right answer when it comes to how to learn Swedish — or any new language. With so many options for your language journey, it’s no surprise that choosing a learning style or method can be overwhelming!

Of the scores of people who speak and study Swedish as a non-native language, you’ll find folks who have used all sorts of resources to learn the language, some free, some fairly cheap, and some more of a financial investment. There’s no right combination, and it’s up to you to decide which methods work best for you to learn Swedish.


You’ll find that the fastest and easiest way to learn Swedish is the way that offers you the least amount of friction — so if you can’t stand shuffling through textbook pages or you get bored flipping Swedsh flashcards, you might want to stick to a method that’s more exciting or engaging. Knowing yourself is key to success. Here are just a few of the ways to learn Swedish quickly:

  • in aclassroom setting或一对一的指导from aSwedish teacher or tutor
  • with paid or free onlineSwedish courses, classes, software or apps
  • withSwedish media resourceslikepodcasts,playlists,books,moviesandTV shows

Learning Swedish In The Classroom

Swedish is studied in many school systems and universities around the world. Swedish classroom learning is the most popular option for learners in grade school or university settings. It allows more intensive, regular study with feedback from teachers who know the Swedish language and can correct mistakes as they happen and teach content in an interactive way. Depending on how large a class is and how engaged the teacher is, learning in a classroom might be a less personalized experience, but having other students to talk to and practice with is a valuable resource for a learner of any language.

Though full-time students make up a large proportion of Swedish classroom learners, plenty of working adults enroll in Swedish classes, too. Many cities and communities offer free or fairly cheap language classes, and you’ll likely find them in languages like Swedish with just a little searching. Though a full-time job might limit your schedule, a commitment to a once- or twice-weekly Swedish class after work or on the weekends can really improve your Swedish language skills in a measurable way.


Learning Swedish With A Swedish Tutor

Private Swedish tutoring offers a more tailored learning experience than traditional classroom learning with many of the advantages. Having a skilled Swedish tutor at hand who can help you perfect your pronunciation and work with you closely on the aspects of Swedish that cause you trouble is a great way to improve your skills fast — without a teacher needing to split time and attention among multiple students. And Swedish tutoring doesn’t have to be inconvenient at all; many sessions can and do take place over video call instead of in person.

But the often steep costs of such individualized instruction can be a barrier to many learners. Well trained master Swedish tutors often charge high hourly rates for their lessons, so finding a top-quality, budget-friendly option can be challenging.

Software and Online Swedish Courses

There are many top-notch, expert-designed online Swedish courses and programs that run from reasonably priced to very expensive. They allow you to learn Swedish on your own time and are often more interactive and engaging than many free courses and resources. Plus, many of the best products out there are constantly updated with new, fresh material, so you can get the most relevant Swedish learning experience available.

Can You Learn Swedish For Free?

All of the above options have one thing in common: they cost money. For those learners who want to be more conscious of their budgets or are okay with spending more time finding and working with more cost-effective content, there are still plenty of options to learn Swedish for free or for cheap!

Free Online Swedish Courses And Apps For Learning Swedish

There’s no shortage of free Swedish courses, apps and content you can find on the web and on your phone. From Swedish grammar wikis to online forums and Swedish classes, you’re sure to find hundreds of options that might do the trick. Some of them are better than others in the ways they’re organized and how thoroughly they explain new concepts, so take them with a grain of salt.

Be aware that the tradeoff of a free product is that it usually sacrifices quality. Much of the content that’s in free apps or that’s scattered around the web comes from user-generated translations that are rarely verified and are often inconsistent or riddled with errors. These lessons often focus on writing and reading without much of a way to improve listening and speaking skills. And be wary that free interactive Swedish lessons like these can often be basic, poorly designed, messy, rigid, and just downright boring — not to mention littered with ads.

That’s not to say these Swedish resources can’t be helpful! But it’s important to know how and where to fill in the gaps in your language learning journey when certain content isn’t enough.

learning swedish with tutor

Learning Swedish With Native Swedish Speakers

Tandem learning is a technique where two people who speak different native languages meet up to help each other learn, swapping roles as teacher and student. For example, if you spend one hour teaching a friend who’s a native Swedish speaker something about English, he or she would then spend the next hour teaching Swedish to you. This is an effective method when both people are able to commit significant time and thought to the partnership, but keep in mind that not everyone is a good teacher. Explaining why your native language works the way it does is often easier said than done; you might understand English grammar subconsciously and use it flawlessly all the time but not be able to explain to a Swedish person or Swedish speaker the rules that govern how you’re supposed to use that grammar.

Immersion Swedish Learning

Swedish immersion programs or some form of immersiveSwedish language travel绝对是最极端和密集的方式吗to learn a new language, and they’re not for everyone. (They’re also not technically free if you count airfare to a new place and all the costs of living associated with wherever you go.) But without a doubt, immersing yourself in a new culture and a place that doesn’t speak your language and surrounding yourself with native Swedish speakers will force you to make rapid progress in Swedish or another target language as you struggle to communicate and understand those around you.

Of course, you’ll want to start with at least a little foundation in a new language before picking up your life and plunging yourself into a completely foreign locale. Using resources like Babbel, language textbooks and Swedish classes, and practice with Swedish native speakers can all help you prepare before you make a big transition through Swedish immersion.

Useful Swedish Media To Learn Swedish For Free Or Cheap

When you don’t have access to Swedish classes and teachers or even native Swedish speakers, there are still plenty of Swedish media resources to help you get on your way to fluency in Swedish. Most of them can be accessed for free online or from a library or found for very cheap — or even through a subscription for a streaming service like Netflix or Spotify you’re likely already paying for!

Books To Learn Swedish

If you like to read, you’ll find a whole range of literature written in Swedish that can help you master the Swedish language. There are thousands ofSwedish booksthat make great learning resources for Swedish learners, from the classic children’s adventure bookNils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige, great for beginners, to works that are more appropriate for intermediate and advanced learners, like the historical drama *Utvandrarna * series of novels or the famous crime seriesMillennium.

Using books to learn Swedishis a great way to sharpen your reading skills and to understand how the Swedish language is used in a whole wide range of contexts, from historical fiction to fairy tales to personal essays to collections of short stories to nonfiction and everything in between. Reading books in Swedish helps you move at your own pace, and you can stop to consult a Swedish dictionary if you need extra help along the way. Keeping a language journal of unfamiliar Swedish words and expressions helps you build your vocabulary. Plus, you can get some extra speaking and Swedish pronunciation practice by reading the book aloud.

Learning Swedish With Audio Lessons, Swedish Songs And Swedish Podcasts

There are many online Swedish audio lessons you can find that can teach you the basics of Swedish vocabulary and grammar without needing to look at a page or a screen. Swedish audio lessons are great for multitasking; you can listen to them in the car or in the background of another activity, like commuting to work, cooking dinner or taking a walk in your neighborhood.

Similarly,Swedish podcastsand Swedish audiobooks are a great way to learn passively while you do something else that requires your visual attention. Luckily, there are lots of audio resources to pick from, and many of them are free. Swedish podcasts like the popularAlex och Siggesmix in lighthearted, humorous topics with more serious ones, and others likeGeniförklaratare more suitable for learners who like more heady, intellectual topics.

And listening to Swedish songs can be a great learning method, too. With songs, a chorus or group of lyrics is often repeated more than once, giving you plenty of opportunities to hear lyrics over and over. You can find many playlists of Swedish songs on Spotify that are often organized by proficiency level, too, from beginner playlists to more advanced ones.

It’s important to keep in mind that to really master a language, you’ve got to do more than just listening to it; you’ll probably want to补充音频with ways to practice writing, reading, and speaking Swedish, too.

Learning With Swedish TV Shows And Swedish Movies

Watching [Swedish movies](//m.log27.com/en/magazine/swedish-moviesandSwedish TV showsis an excellent way to connect with the Swedish language in a fun, engaging format. You can find a lot of good Swedish-language content of all different genres and for all learning proficiency levels on streaming services like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime.

When you’re watching, you can choose todisplay subtitles in Swedishfor some extra reading practice. Try to avoid watching media dubbed in your native language, as you won’t end up hearing any Swedish! If the dialogue is too fast, you can pause what you’re watching to give yourself a chance to process what you’re hearing and look up and write down unfamiliar words. And when youuse movies and TV series to learn Swedish, don’t be afraid to break them up into chunks to give your brain some rest.

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Learning Swedish With Babbel

学习任何语言的目标是真正的-life conversations with native speakers. So a language learning app should be designed to get you to that goal in the best way possible. It’s important to dedicate the time and effort to practicing with discipline, but outside of your own personal commitment, you’ve got to have technology that knows how to help you most effectively along the way.

learning swedish with babbel

Luckily, Babbel is designed by a team of language experts, educators, and designers who know all about what it takes to get the most out of learning a new language — so you are guaranteed a top-quality Swedish learning journey that’s capable, engaging, and yes, even fun.

Here are the key waysBabbel Swedish lessonsare crafted to get you having real-life conversations in Swedish with confidence, and all for less cost per month than your morning coffee.

The Full Spectrum Of Language Learning

Learning a foreign language is an endeavor of many dimensions. It takes a lot of skills and patience to learn how to start speaking on the spot, to write a text to a friend, or to translate dialogue you hear from a TV show in your target language.

We know how to make these elements work together to your advantage. Babbel’s lessons are interactive and cover all the aspects of learning Swedish — reading, writing, listening, and speaking — with multimedia Swedish content to train your ears and eyes. Our speech recognition feature even helps you hone your Swedish pronunciation, too.

Swedish Learning On Your Terms

One of the best parts of learning with Babbel is being able to fit lessons in seamlessly when you want them and where you want them. Our bite-sized lessons take roughly between 10 and 20 minutes to complete and can be squeezed into your already busy schedule, whether you’re on your commute or waiting for a pot of water to boil as you cook dinner.

With Babbel, you can pick and choose the topics and themes that are most relevant to you. Taking a trip soon? Brush up on the Swedish you’ll need for travel and navigating new places. Need to sharpen your Swedish for an upcoming business meeting? Our Swedish language courses have you covered.

The iOS and Android apps are fully integrated with the web application. And your progress is saved in the cloud and synced across all devices — so you can learn Swedish anytime, anywhere.

Learn Swedish — And Make Sure It Sticks

What good is committing to learning a foreign language if you’ll forget it before you even have a chance to use it? That’s why your personalized Babbel Review feature is optimized to help you retain the information you’re learning.

It takes advantage of the concept of microlearning, or bringing back information in short bursts to help you hold on to it better. You can practice writing, listening to, and speaking the Swedish phrases, terms and expressions you’ve learned in your earlier lessons to lock them into your brain.

For Swedish Learning, Try Babbel

We’re committed to making sure you get the most out of learning Swedish. We offer a free first lesson in every language so you can get a feel for if Babbel works for you. And if you don’t like it, we have a 20-day money-back guarantee — no questions asked.

Try afree Swedish lesson with Babbeland see for yourself how quickly you’ll be on your way to speaking Swedish with confidence — like you’ve always wanted to!

Check out our other learning topics about Swedish:
Swedish Vocabulary
Swedish Grammar
Swedish Phrases
Best Way To Learn Swedish
How To Speak Swedish